
عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠٢٣
    Outer Space   Outer space , commonly shortened to  space , is the expanse that exists beyond  Earth  and  its atmosphere  and between  celestial bodies . Outer space is not completely empty; it is a  near-perfect vacuum [1]  containing a low density of particles, predominantly a  plasma  of  hydrogen  and  helium , as well as  electromagnetic radiation ,  magnetic fields ,  neutrinos ,  dust , and  cosmic rays . The baseline  temperature  of outer space, as set by the  background radiation  from the  Big Bang , is 2.7  kelvins  (−270  °C ; −455  °F ). [2] The  plasma between galaxies  is thought to account for about half of the  baryonic (ordinary) matter  in the universe, having a  number density  of less than one  hydrogen atom  per  cubic metre  and a  kinetic temperature  ...